Mammography Image Profile

The Mammography Image (MAMMO) Integration Profile is part of the IHE Radiology Technical Framework.

This profile specifies how DICOM Mammography images and evidence objects are created, exchanged and used. It describes how Acquisition Modalities transfer Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) Images, how CAD systems act as Evidence Creators, and how Image Displays should retrieve and make use of images and CAD results. It defines the basic display capabilities Image Displays are expected to provide, and which attributes should be used to implement those capabilities.

Managing the process of creating, storing and using Mammography Image content is similar to workflow for other image content (e.g., see Scheduled Workflow and Post-Processing Workflow profiles).

An Image Display that supports the Mammography Image Profile shall support calibration as described in the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function (GSDF). The minimum and maximum luminance of the display shall be configurable by the site, within the gamut of the device, for the purpose of conforming to local, regional or national regulatory and other requirements for luminance settings throughout the organization. For example, a site may require that all Image Displays used for primary interpretation be calibrated to the same minimum and maximum luminance.

The Mammography Image Profile is designed to provide faithful and complete storage and retrieval of Mammography data and sufficient display functionality to allow adequate review of current and prior images and CAD results for the purpose of primary interpretation by radiologists. It should also be sufficient for secondary review for referring physicians. It does not address the use of other modalities appropriate for breast imaging such as MR or US.

Source:  IHE Radiology Technical Framework rev 8.

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