A new device offers early detection of the smallest, most hidden breast cancer

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UVA Cancer Center, said that its researchers are using a new procedure aiming to enhance the ability of early mammogramdiagnosis of breast cancer. The procedure is applying a new hybrid breast imaging device, a one that offers detection of findings that the older devices, such as mammography, and ultrasound, could not detect. The research was led by Mark B. Williams, PhD, associate professor of radiology, biomedical engineering and physics at the University of Virginia, and was posted at the April 2010 issue of Radiology.

Izora Armstrong, one of the participating women in the research, said “I feel truly blessed that I came to UVA, that they gave me the chance to be a part of this study,” she added “I went through all the regular tests and did what women are supposed to do and I still wouldn’t have known I had breast cancer if it wasn’t for UVA.”  The new device is the dual modality tomographic (DMT) breast scanner. It was designed by researchers at UVA, the device has ability to detect the smallest of breast cancer, in addition to be accurate about differentiating between cancer tissues and normal or harmless ones. The DMT breast scanner combines two imaging techniques, one that produces 3D anatomical imaging while the other produces 3D biological (functional) imaging, both types of imaging are made by a one single device. The device performs both types of scans, generating both types of images of the breast at the same time while a patient is immobilized.

Dr. Williams said “Using the most current breast imaging methods, only about one in four of all biopsied breast lesions are actually malignant, that is, the positive predictive value is about 25%, so there’s a great deal of room for improved imaging diagnostic capabilities,” he added “Our pilot study indicates promising results toward reducing the number of false positive imaging diagnoses, which would therefore eliminate many unnecessary biopsies.” The scanning device is also is showing advantages for certain cases such as women with radio-dense breast or fibrous breast tissue since the detection of the cancer in such women would be harder using the current methods. Armstrong was an example of such women; she had fibrocystic disease and performed two needle biopsies showing normal results several years ago. However, she was suspected recently by her physician for having cancer when he checked a certain spot on her mammogram and asked her to have a breast biopsy, a one that also showed normal breast tissue picture. Yet, the turning point for Armstrong was when she agreed before performing her last breast biopsy to participate in the UVA pilot study assessing the new DMT scanning device designed by Williams and his team. When the new device was applied, it produced images showing an early stage of breast cancer taking place.

The new hybrid scanner used to diagnose her cancer applied both 3D digital x-ray breast tomosynthesis along with 3D molecular breast imaging tomosynthesis, the latter is a recently developed technique that injects, intravenously, compounds that are absorbed mainly by malignant lesions more than benign ones. A special camera then is used to produce functional images of the entire breast, while the digital x-ray tomosynthesis generates structural and anatomical images. In Armstrong’s case, the device detected a certain malignant tissue located in a radio-dense part of her chest.

Dr. Williams commented on the results saying “Despite using the latest clinically available imaging technologies and the most expert radiologists, breast cancers are still missed, especially in women with radio-dense breasts,” he added “This is why our research is so important for patients. Our early results show that the DMT scanner is a feasible and accurate method for detecting and diagnosing breast cancer,” Dr. Williams added “In our study, we not only were able to detect a missed cancerous lesion but we also corroborated every single benign diagnosis from biopsy results. These findings demonstrate an obvious need for larger studies to further prove the efficacy of this new device,”

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