Queensland University Acquires High Leveled MRI Unit

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Queensland University (UQ) announced that it is going to significantly improve it healthcare services following the Austrila_UQacquisition of new 3 high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit. Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister, paid a visit to the University of Queensland on Saturday; she announced that $40.2 million will be granted to aid in expanding the advanced imaging center for at UQ. The fund will be used to purchase the new ultra high-field 7 Tesla human MRI machine in the advanced imaging center.

UQ is going to be the first healthcare facility in Australia to have the 7 Tesla MRI machine, which will improve the status of the hospital as a forefront of medical imaging research and education. Professor David Reutens, director of UQ's Center for Advance Imaging, said that the new MRI machine is the “Rolls Royce of imaging technology”, since the new systems are able to generate highly detailed images of organs at microscopic levels. Moreover, acquiring these systems is going to aid the center in its research for diagnosing and treating diseases. Professor Reutens said "We'll have one of only three in the world," he added "It will enable discoveries into better ways of diagnosing and treating diseases like cancer, dementia, arthritis and epilepsy."

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