Molecular Imaging Technologies By GE Healthcare For Improved Patient Experience

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GE Healthcare is focusing improving patients’ experiences. GE helps clinicians by highlighting anGE innovative portfolio of molecular imaging technologies and agents at the 57th annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM), June 5-9, in Salt Lake City.

“Our vision for the Molecular Imaging business is to apply innovation to improve the patient experience,” said Terri Bresenham, vice president of the GE Healthcare Molecular Imaging business. “We have shortened traditional exam times and reduced dose without compromising a clinician or researcher’s ability to understand disease from the beginning.”

GE Healthcare is improving experience for patients through breakthrough innovations including: Dose management with the new technique of Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR)* that results in a reduction of CT dose by up to 40%. The Discovery PET/CT 600 series platform and Discovery NM/CT 570c, clinicians don’t compromise image quality while reducing dose to their patients. Further, GE Healthcare is introducing new PET pediatric protocols available on the Discovery Dimension Console that allow the lowest dose possible for the youngest patients. Also including, reducing injected dose by up to 50 percent compared with standard cardiac and bone protocols.

Unlike the conventional nuclear cardiac imaging, two scans are required which take between 15-20 minutes each. The next-generation Alycone technology available on GE’s revolutionary cardiac imaging scanners, Discovery NM 530c and Discovery NM 570c, clinicians are able to gather image data much more quickly. GE Healthcare is also helping to evolve pediatric imaging from ‘exams’ to ‘procedural theater,’ all with the primary goal of minimizing the anxiety journey for the patient and their family. “Through all of these revolutionary technologies, patients spend less time in the exam and doctors get the information they need to determine course of treatment more quickly,” said Bresenham.

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