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Case Studies
WestMetropolitan Health Service, Chile
Date added: | 03/02/2010 |
Date modified: | 09/01/2010 |
Filesize: | 1.11 MB |
Downloads: | 58 |
Santiago’sWestMetropolitan Health Service Improves Care Delivery for 1.2Million PeopleWith TrakCare
West Metropolitan Health Service (Sistema de Salud Metropolitano Occidente – SSMOc), part of Chile’s National Health Service, operates 20 facilities responsible for the health and wellbeing of 1.2 million people in the western area of Santiago. As part of Chile’s effort to reform a public healthcare system that was becoming increasingly inefficient and costly, the government passed laws (Acceso Universal con Garantias Explicitas – AUGE) guaranteeing healthcare service levels for all citizens, financial protection for people with certain acute or chronic conditions, and a focus on prevention.
United Family Hospitals and Clinics
Date added: | 03/02/2010 |
Date modified: | 09/01/2010 |
Filesize: | 1.16 MB |
Downloads: | 19 |
Rapid Deployment of TrakCare Yields Immediate Benefits for United Family Hospitals and Clinics
United Family Hospitals and Clinics (UFH), based in Beijing, China, is the operator of 12 hospitals and clinics. With plans for expanding its network of healthcare facilities throughout China, UFH needed more from a healthcare information system (HIS) than its current solution could provide.
The Health Authority of Novara
Date added: | 03/02/2010 |
Date modified: | 09/01/2010 |
Filesize: | 1.06 MB |
Downloads: | 9 |
InterSystems TrakCare LAB Delivers Higher Productivity and Better Clinical Decisions for ASL 13 of Novara
The local health authority of Novara (Authority) provides medical assistance to approximately 331,000 people in 77 towns. Organized into four districts in the Piemonte region of Italy, it manages three hospitals totaling 410 beds, several community-based clinics, and a clinical laboratory with three locations. In a typical year, the Authority registers 48,000 emergency room episodes, 14,000 inpatient admissions, and 6,000 day hospital treatments.
Suomen Terveystutkimus Oy chooses Kodak digital mammography system
Date added: | 10/15/2009 |
Date modified: | 09/01/2010 |
Filesize: | 1.44 MB |
Downloads: | 25 |
State of Victoria, Australia
Date added: | 03/02/2010 |
Date modified: | 09/01/2010 |
Filesize: | 1.64 MB |
Downloads: | 25 |
State of Victoria Uses TrakCare to Improve Community Healthcare
In the Australian state of Victoria an A$360 million project called HealthSMART is under way to refresh and replace existing information and communication technology across the Victorian health system. The goal is to create an integrated statewide information system that will improve healthcare quality, efficiency, and outcomes for a population of over 5 million.