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Case Studies

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PAML (Pathology AssociatesMedical Laboratory) PAML (Pathology AssociatesMedical Laboratory)

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 172.16 kB
Downloads: 5

PAMLMakes TheirMultiValue Billing Application 5X Faster with the Caché Database

PAML (Pathology Associates Medical Laboratory) is one of the largest reference laboratories in the United States, serving over 100 hospitals, more than 25,000 clients, and several hundred thousand patients a year.


Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 232.84 kB
Downloads: 5

Ensemble Enables Rapid Implementation of EMR at Dr. Negrín Hospital

Largest hospital in Canary Islands uses SOA to provide patient records

Doctors and nurses at the Dr. Negrín Grand Canary University Hospital have a new tool that allows them to speed care to their patients. It is an electronic medical record (EMR) that provides complete and personalized reports of patient information, gathered from multiple departmental systems throughout the hospital, and presented via an easy-to-use Web portal. The portal solution, dubbed Tabaiba, was built and implemented using InterSystems Ensemble®.

InterSystems Ensemble® improves the business and practice of medicine at Metro Health InterSystems Ensemble® improves the business and practice of medicine at Metro Health

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 1.11 MB
Downloads: 5

Metro Health, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, serves a population of 130,000 through a 208-bed hospital and 10 neighborhood outpatient centers. In 2005 Metro Health replaced its SeeBeyond eGate integration engine with InterSystems Ensemble rapid integration and development software.

What they’ve found since then is that their developers are accomplishing much more than ever before, in less time; their systems easily keep up with peak demands; and system reliability is now taken for granted instead of being cause for celebration.

Caché Case Study: NBSS Caché Case Study: NBSS

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 118.67 kB
Downloads: 2

The NHS Breast Screening Programme’s National Breast Screening System (NBSS)

Financial Objects and InterSystems are working with the NHS Breast Screening Programme to enhance the National Breast Screening Services computer system, helping to improve organisational efficiency and data quality and enabling the programme to deliver a high-quality service to women.

Caché Case Study: IKEM Caché Case Study: IKEM

Date added: 03/02/2010
Date modified: 09/01/2010
Filesize: 94.26 kB
Downloads: 2

Major Hospital in Prague Relies on InterSystems Technology to Make Applications More Valuable

The Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) in the Czech Republic is a leading transplantation, cardiology, and science center. In 2003, they built a medical information portal, based on InterSystems Caché®, which has since evolved into a central system for managing clinical data and investigations. The system is called Zlatokop, and it is a good example of an application that has been made more valuable by utilizing InterSystems technology.

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